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Gender Medicine

What’s wrong with Gender Medicine?

“Gender Affirming Care” is profound and irreversible 

Puberty blocking and cross-sex hormone treatment that these kids may take have lifelong effects. But more and more former patients are ‘detransitioning’ (changing their minds), suffering serious health effects, or finding their mental health as bad as ever. Countries like the UK, Finland, Sweden and many US states have started to restrict access to medication. Victoria does not.

Referrals to children’s gender clinics are skyrocketing in Australia

In the last 15 years there’s been an explosion in the numbers of kids all over the world who are boys identifying as girls, girls identifying as boys, or kids identifying as neither. In Victoria, until 2007 there was only 1 child a year referred to the gender clinic at the Childrens’ Hospital. By 2021, this number was over 800. 

This pattern is repeated in other Australian states and worldwide.

Referrals to Royal Children’s Hospital Gender Clinic -

Medicine should be based on evidence, not politics

The Evidence is Weak in Australia

A leading Australian gender clinician, Dr. Stephen Stathis, has acknowledged that the evidence base for medicalised gender change with minors is of low quality and admitted there are questions about the reversibility of puberty blocker drugs.”  Source: Gender Clinic News

The UK Stops Puberty Blockers

The National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) in the UK has said existing studies of puberty-blocking  drugs were small and "subject to bias and confounding".

In the UK, the Cass Review was launched in 2020 to review "several aspects of gender identity services, with a focus on how care can be improved for children and young people".

In March 2024, the UK announced a ban on the use of puberty blocking medication due to lack of evidence about safety or effectiveness.

Global WPATH Scandal

On 4th March 2024, The WPATH Files were released, showing that the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) does not follow the scientific method when determining treatments for gender distress. AusPATH in Australia follows WPATH’s recommendations. Many Australian doctors believe the evidence for these treatments is inadequate and contradictory. WRNA agrees.

We believe that government support for gender medicine is based on politics, not evidence-based medicine and that this approach can cause harm. 

We believe in the right of healthy children to an unmedicated childhood

Detransition Stories


Visit Post-Trans to read published stories from men and women who have transitioned, and then later changed their minds. They talk about the reasons for their transition, the effects of medicalisation on their bodies, and dealing with the aftermath of irreversible changes.

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Download our A5 Flyer on Gender Medicine in Australia

WRNA - General Flyer - Whats Wrong With Gender Medicine - A5 - WRNA-D24-028-0.png

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